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ASA Gives Back

The American Supply Association is dedicated to helping improve the lives of Americans. We believe that by helping those less fortunate and those that have sacrificed in service to our country, we can strengthen our nation. Below are official charities that ASA and our members actively support.

Operation Rise & Conquer

Operation Rise & Conquer is an inspirational program that provides high-quality adventure activities for veterans, military service personnel and first responders who have a disability. It was created in 2013 to empower and inspire wounded soldiers and veterans to regain confidence and trust in themselves and others. In 2019, the scholarship program was extended to include first responders and their family members. The highly personalized nature of this program makes it a particularly powerful and transformational experience for each participant. Through the collaboration between ASA’s Emerging Leaders Division and the Adaptive Sports Center, ASA members and their contributions have helped hundreds of veterans and first responders experience programming at the Adaptive Sports Center.

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World Vision

World Vision helps establish sustainable access to basics like clean water, improved nutrition, quality education, healthcare, economic opportunity, spiritual nurture, and more for millions of children who do not have access to such necessities. Businesses from all industries and of all sizes can play a key role in World Vision’s efforts to help families in crisis, lift communities out of poverty, and lead the fight to end global poverty by becoming a World Vision Proud Supporter. As a supporter, your business may provide funding to help support specific World Vision community development initiatives around the world. Whether funding an initiative which is directly related to your core business, or an effort that your customers and employees find meaningful, World Vision works to ensure each philanthropic contribution leverages the support of World Vision’s individual, business, and government partners to maximize your impact, help more

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