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ASA Political Action is Your Voice in the Political Process and Helps Elect Pro-Industry Candidates

ASA PAC is the American Supply Association’s Political Action Committee. It is the PHCP/PVF industry’s voice in the nation’s political process and helps you use your voice to impact the policies that affect your company and our industry. ASA PAC is the only political action committee that works solely to elect pro-PHCP and PVF industry candidates to the House of Representatives, Senate and White House. Through annual contributions from individuals, ASA PAC continues to support candidates for Congress who address your concerns.


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ASA Advocacy is the voice of the PHCP-PVF industry, and ASA PAC is an integral component of the association's advocacy program - crucial to the success of ASA's legislative and regulatory agenda in our nation's capital.

Why do we need a PAC?

  • The Federal Election Campaign Act prohibits corporations, associations, and unions from using general treasury funds to make contributions to federal candidates.
  • However, it allows organizations, including trade associations, to set up political committees to contribute to federal candidates and committees.
  • By contributing to ASA PAC (and thus pooling financial contributions from many to create a PAC fund), we can play a role in electing federal legislators who are willing to commit their full support to our industry. 

How does the PAC raise funds?

  • ASA PAC solicits personal contributions from the management of ASA members to support congressional candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate who share common ideals and goals with the association.
  • Under FEC law the PAC can only accept personal contributions for funds intended for distribution to federal candidates.
  • It is for this reason that when contributions are made to the ASA PAC, they must be through an individual member's personal credit card or check - not a company credit card or check.
  • Corporate funds, also known as soft dollars, can be accepted, but can only be used for administrative purposes and cannot go towards campaign contributions.
  • The ASA PAC welcomes corporate donations from ASA member companies since the funds received help to cover administrative costs associated with running a PAC.

Who oversees the ASA PAC?

  • The ASA PAC falls under the authority of the ASA PAC Committee composed of a representative group of ASA members.
  • The ASA PAC functionally reports to the ASA Board of Directors.
  • The ASA PAC Committee works under a strict set of operating procedures written in a manner to ensure compliance with all FEC requirements while also ensuring that actions taken by the ASA PAC are representative of the industry.

What is a prior approval form and why do you have to sign it?

  • The FEC requires any trade association to get a Prior Approval before we can solicit.
  • It is a written request to a corporate member for permission to solicit its restricted class.
  • It must inform the member corporation that approval is necessary before a PAC may begin soliciting; and the corporation may not approve solicitations by another trade association for the same calendar year.
  • ASA contacts all of its members on a routine basis asking for a signed Prior Approval Form.
  • An authorized representative from the company can sign the form to cover from 1 year up to 5 years.
  • Signing the form DOES NOT represent a commitment to contribute, it only represents the authorization for ASA PAC staff to solicit contributions.